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Data Governance in an university context : Proposal for a maturity model

This is the translation of our article ” La gouvernance des données en contexte universitaire : proposition d’un modèle de maturité ” published in 2024.


As data production continues to surge, the challenge of data governance becomes increasingly relevant across all organizations. Although extensively explored within business contexts, primarily for its economic benefits in data management, this topic has garnered less attention within university settings. This study introduces a maturity model specifically designed for universities. It aims to identify and analyze data governance mechanisms and assess stakeholder engagement and organizational involvement. Developed within the context of ACT projects at the University of Bordeaux, this model is designed to be adaptable to other university environments.

The article is available here

This article was presented in May, 10th 2024 during the DICEN ” Data, Document, Médiation” seminar.
Source :

It was also presented in May, 29th 2024 during the INFORSID conference.
Source :

How to quote this article

Verdi, U., Pinède, N. & Melançon, G. (2024). Data Governance in an university context : Proposal for a maturity model. Translated by Ugo Verdi, Nathalie Pinède and Guy Melançon. INFORSID 2024, May 2024, Nancy, France. pp.21-36. hal-04733408v1

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ugo Verdi (12 octobre 2024). Data Governance in an university context : Proposal for a maturity model. GouD. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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